Create transfer on a Booking
POST /[context]/[contextId]/Transfers
Context in Request URI should be 'bookings'
ContextId in Request URI should be Booking ID
Any value (must have at least 1 non-whitespace character)
URIs of customers to book on the transfer that has already been added to booking Existing customers on the transfer will not be affected – this only books new customers on the transfer
URI of relevant product This can be retrieved via the related product (eg: relatedAccommodation, relatedTransfers, relatedSightseeing etc.) property in Retrieve Trip Product
URI of the resource
URI of the resource
"flightDate": "2018-12-21",
"flightTime": "10:10",
"flightNumber": "UA105",
"customers": [
"href": "/bookings/5057124/customers/4945397"
"href": "/bookings/5057124/customers/4945397"
"product": {
"href": "/products/91066"
ID of the resource
URI of the resource
"id": 887124,
"href": "context/contextid/transfers/887124"