Retrieve departure on a product by departure ID
GET /[context]/[contextId]/Departures/[id]
Context in Request URI should be 'products'
ContextId in Request URI should be Product ID
ID of the departure
URI of the trip product
URI of the web published Product (Main Product) for VRTT & SBA Products
Name of the departure
The Intrepid alphanumeric code for the departure
Start date of the departure
End date of the departure
Duration of the departure
Start location of the departure
End location of the departure
• true Trip is guaranteed to depart • false Trip is not guaranteed to depart
• available Departure has at least 1 spot available • bookingClosed Departure is closed for booking • fullyBooked Departure has no spots available
Availability details for the departure
URI used to retrieve departure prices
• true On request departure • false Not an on request departure
Number of spaces available when this departure is On Request. Leave blank if there are no restrictions.
• true Departure is on free sell • false Departure is not free sell
• true Departure is on late request • false Departure is not late request
The latest time, prior to start, that the departure can be booked, even on request
• true Departure is now on request • false Departure is now not on request
Departure can be sold freely until this many days prior to start
List of accommodation products related to this departure
List of single supplement products related to this departure
List of transfer products related to this departure
Room Type Name
Vehicle Name/Ship Name
Vehicle ID/Ship ID
Room Type ID
Last Updated Date Time
Start City
Start Country
End City
End Country
• true Departure is available to book on hold • false Departure is not available to book on hold
• true Single suppliment is compulsory for the trip • false Single suppliment is not compulsory for the trip
Shared trip notes id if the trip share trip notes from another trip.
ID of the resource
URI of the resource
Sequence of product
URI of the resource
URI of the resource
Total number of spots available on departure
Total number of spots available that can be immediately confirmed Attempting to book more spots than this will need to be confirmed with the supplier
URI of the resource
URI of related product
Relationship to trip: • preTrip Product has been booked for before the trip (applicable for accommodation,transfer,sightseeing) • postTrip Product has been booked for after the trip (applicable for accommodation,transfer,sightseeing) • availableToPurchase Product is available to purchase (applicable for single supplement, additional service)
URI of related product
Relationship to trip: • preTrip Product has been booked for before the trip (applicable for accommodation,transfer,sightseeing) • postTrip Product has been booked for after the trip (applicable for accommodation,transfer,sightseeing) • availableToPurchase Product is available to purchase (applicable for single supplement, additional service)
URI of related product
Relationship to trip: • preTrip Product has been booked for before the trip (applicable for accommodation,transfer,sightseeing) • postTrip Product has been booked for after the trip (applicable for accommodation,transfer,sightseeing) • availableToPurchase Product is available to purchase (applicable for single supplement, additional service)
"product": {
"href": "/products/91066"
"webPublishedProduct": {
"href": "/products/91066"
"name": "Beautiful Thailand",
"code": "TTSN161211",
"startDate": "2016-12-10",
"endDate": "2016-12-15",
"numberOfDays": 5,
"startLocation": "Royal Princess Larn Luang Hotel, Bangkok",
"endLocation": "Royal Princess Larn Luang Hotel, Bangkok",
"departureGuaranteed": true,
"status": "available",
"availability": {
"availableSpots": 10,
"availableSpotsFreeSell": 3
"prices": {
"href": "/departures/887124/prices"
"onRequestOnly": true,
"onRequestCapacity": 7,
"freeSell": false,
"lateRequest": true,
"bookingClosed": 10,
"onRequest": true,
"onRequestDays": 7,
"relatedAccommodation": [
"href": "/products/91066",
"relationship": "preTrip"
"href": "/products/91066",
"relationship": "preTrip"
"relatedSingleSupplement": [
"href": "/products/91066",
"relationship": "preTrip"
"href": "/products/91066",
"relationship": "preTrip"
"relatedTransfers": [
"href": "/products/91066",
"relationship": "preTrip"
"href": "/products/91066",
"relationship": "preTrip"
"roomTypeName": "Twin Share",
"vehicleName": "Ocean Adventure",
"vehicleID": 15,
"roomTypeID": 2,
"lastUpdatedDateTime": "2019-11-06T11:06:46.257Z",
"startCity": "Ho Chi Minh City",
"startCountry": "Vietnam",
"endCity": "Perth",
"endCountry": "Australia",
"canPlaceOnHoldDeparture": true,
"singleTravellerCompulsorySingleSupFlag": true,
"sharedTripNotesId": 1,
"id": 887124,
"href": "context/contextid/departures/887124",
"sequence": "202403312359580000"