Update/Modify customer by ID
PATCH /Customers/[id]
ID of the customer
Title of customer (Cannot override existing value)
First name of customer (Cannot override existing value)
Middle name of customer (Editable before a trip is confirmed, fullyPaid or onRequest)
Surname of customer (Cannot override existing value)
Date of birth of customer (Editable before a trip is confirmed, fullyPaid or onRequest. Cannot add or update DOB of passengers who do not meet minimum/maximum age requirements for trip/trips)
Home phone number of customer
Mobile phone number of customer
Email address of customer
Home Address of customer
Passport details of customer (Editable before a trip is confirmed, fullyPaid or onRequest)
Travel Insurance Policy Number of customer
Travel Insurance Company of customer
Travel Insurance Company Phone Number
Status of customer In the context of a component (i.e Trip, Accommodation, Transfer, AdditionalService, Sightseeing), this can be: • confirmed - Customer is booked on component (Note: Only on-statement agents can confirm a customer without payment, otherwise customers can only be confirmed if required payment is already made) • tentative - Customer is tentatively booked on component • onRequest - Customer has requested to be booked on component, but it needs to be confirmed with the supplier • cancelled - Customer has been cancelled on component
Emergency contact of customer
Dietary Note of customer
Medical Note of customer
This is only valid in the context of a Trip • true Book single room for customer • false Book twin share room for customer (default)
Specifies whether the automatic cancellation request should apply only to the single supplement associated with a trip. • When set to 'true', the API cancels the customer only from the single supplement. • When set to 'false' or omitted, the API proceeds with the usual cancellation process, affecting both the trip and the single supplement (if applicable). • Only valid in the context of trip cancellations. • The status must be set to 'cancelled' for this property to take effect.
An optional unique identifier initially used in the trip/service POST endpoint to prevent duplicate components in a booking. In the customer patch endpoint, this reference is applicable only with pax cancellation, allowing partners to update the component’s external reference if it has changed
Address Line 1 of customer
Address Line 2 of customer
City of customer
State of customer
Postcode of customer
Country of customer (Only used in GET request)
Country Code of customer (Used to set country for the address in POST and PATCH requests)
Passport number Any value (must have at least 1 non-whitespace character)
Passport nationality ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code (e.g. US)
Passport place of issue Any value (must have at least 1 non-whitespace character)
Passport date of issue
Passport date of expiry
First name of contact
Surname of contact
Home phone number of contact
Mobile phone number of contact
Relationship of contact
"title": "Mr",
"firstName": "Homer",
"middleName": "Pete",
"surname": "Simpson",
"dateOfBirth": "1970-01-01",
"homePhone": "0115487956",
"mobilePhone": "0435485548",
"emailAddress": "homer@simpson.com",
"homeAddress": {
"addressLine1": "74 Brokesley Street",
"addressLine2": "Bournemouth",
"city": "Kingswood",
"state": "Vic",
"postcode": "3167",
"countryName": "Australia",
"countryCode": "AU"
"passport": {
"number": "N89171298",
"nationality": "US",
"placeOfIssue": "US",
"dateOfIssue": "2010-01-01",
"dateOfExpiry": "2020-01-01"
"travelInsurancePolicyNumber": "4552",
"travelInsuranceCompany": "Slexicover Direct",
"travelInsuranceCompanyPhone": "0435698542",
"status": "confirmed",
"emergencyContact": {
"firstName": "Jess",
"surname": "Peter",
"homePhone": "0115487956",
"mobilePhone": "0435485548",
"relationship": "Mother"
"dietaryNote": "Allergic to seafood",
"medicalNote": "Knee replacement",
"singleSupplement": "true",
"cancelSingleSupplementOnly": "true",
"externalReference": "ABCD2-12345"