Update/Modify trip on a booking by trip ID
PATCH /[context]/[contextId]/Trips/[id]
Context in Request URI should be 'bookings'
ContextId in Request URI should be Booking ID
ID of the trip
The Intrepid alphanumeric code for the promotion
URIs of customers to book on the trip that has already been added to booking These URIs may optionally include one or more of the following query string parameters to control what they are booking on the trip: • status=tentative Tentatively book the customer on the trip and the single supplement (if applicable) • singleSupplement=true Book a single supplement for the customer on the trip
URI of the resource
"promotionCode": "12323",
"customers": [
"href": "/bookings/5057124/customers/4945398?status=tentative&singleSupplement=true"
"href": "/bookings/5057124/customers/4945398?status=tentative&singleSupplement=true"