Create sightseeing on a Booking
POST /[context]/[contextId]/Sightseeing
Context in Request URI should be 'bookings'
ContextId in Request URI should be Booking ID
Start date for sightseeing
End date for sightseeing
URIs of customers to book on the sightseeing that has already been added to booking Existing customers on the sightseeing will not be affected – this only books new customers on the sightseeing
URI of relevant product This can be retrieved via the related product (eg: relatedAccommodation, relatedTransfers, relatedSightseeing etc.) property in Retrieve Trip Product
URI of the resource
URI of the resource
"startDate": "2016-11-05",
"endDate": "2017-01-10",
"customers": [
"href": "/bookings/5057124/customers/4945397"
"href": "/bookings/5057124/customers/4945397"
"product": {
"href": "/products/91066"
ID of the resource
URI of the resource
"id": 887124,
"href": "context/contextid/sightseeing/887124"