Retrieve customers by a Context ID
GET /[context]/[contextId]/Customers
Context of the request e.g Booking, Accommodation, Trips, Sightseeing etc.
ID of the context
List of Customers
First name of customer
Middle name of customer
Surname of customer
Date of birth of customer
Home phone number of customer
Mobile phone number of customer
Email address of customer
Home Address of customer
Passport of customer
Travel Insurance Policy Number of customer
Travel Insurance Company of customer
Travel Insurance Company Phone Number
Status of customer In the context of a component (i.e Trip, Accommodation, Transfer, AdditionalService, Sightseeing), this can be: • confirmed Customer is booked on component • tentative Customer is tentatively booked on component • onRequest Customer has requested to be booked on component, but it needs to be confirmed with the supplier • cancelled Customer has been cancelled on component
• true Customer is on a non-API booking. For security purposes, only the firstName, surname and currency will be returned • false Customer is on an API booking – all recorded details will be returned
Customer gross price prior to any promotion being applied (only included if promotion exists) *Valid only in the context of a Trip
Customer gross price for all components on booking
Promotion code applied to customer on trip *Valid only in the context of a Trip *If customer having more than one promotion this will be blank
Promotion name applied to customer on trip *Valid only in the context of a Trip *If customer having more than one promotion this will be blank
Customer gross price minus any commission for all components on booking
Booking adjustment (discount amount) will be deducted from the original price.
Booking adjustment (fee amount) will be added to the original price.
Emergency contact of customer
Dietary Note of customer
Medical Note of customer
This is only valid in the context of a Trip • true Book single room for customer • false Book twin share room for customer (default)
Single Supplement status
Total single supplement original-price for the customer on the trip *Valid only in the context of a Trip *If the customer has no single supplements this will not be present
Total single supplement gross-price for the customer on the trip *Valid only in the context of a Trip *If the customer has no single supplements this will not be present
Total single supplement net-price for the customer on the trip *Valid only in the context of a Trip *If the customer has no single supplements this will not be present
Booking adjustment (discount amount) will be deducted from the original price of the single supplement.
Booking adjustment (fee amount) will be added to the original price of the single supplement.
URI to get the list of payments for the booking or the customer
Amount of deposit owed by the customer
Permit Status for the customer if it is available
ID of the resource
URI of the resource
Sequence of product
Address Line 1 of customer
Address Line 2 of customer
City of customer
State of customer
Postcode of customer
Country of customer (Only used in GET request)
Country Code of customer (Used to set country for the address in POST and PATCH requests)
Passport number Any value (must have at least 1 non-whitespace character)
Passport nationality ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code (e.g. US)
Passport place of issue Any value (must have at least 1 non-whitespace character)
Passport date of issue
Passport date of expiry
First name of contact
Surname of contact
Home phone number of contact
Mobile phone number of contact
Relationship of contact
URI of the resource
"customers": [
"title": "Mr",
"firstName": "Homer",
"middleName": "Pete",
"surname": "Simpson",
"dateOfBirth": "1970-01-01",
"homePhone": "0115487956",
"mobilePhone": "0435485548",
"emailAddress": "",
"homeAddress": {
"addressLine1": "74 Brokesley Street",
"addressLine2": "Bournemouth",
"city": "Kingswood",
"state": "Vic",
"postcode": "3167",
"countryName": "Australia",
"countryCode": "AU"
"passport": {
"number": "N89171298",
"nationality": "US",
"placeOfIssue": "US",
"dateOfIssue": "2010-01-01",
"dateOfExpiry": "2020-01-01"
"travelInsurancePolicyNumber": "4552",
"travelInsuranceCompany": "Slexicover Direct",
"travelInsuranceCompanyPhone": "0435698542",
"status": "incomplete",
"restricted": "false",
"currency": "usd",
"originalPrice": 1500,
"grossPrice": 1145,
"promotionCode": "ABCD",
"promotionName": "Cool promotion",
"netPrice": 858.75,
"discountAmount": 200.0,
"feeAmount": 640.0,
"emergencyContact": {
"firstName": "Jess",
"surname": "Peter",
"homePhone": "0115487956",
"mobilePhone": "0435485548",
"relationship": "Mother"
"dietaryNote": "Allergic to seafood",
"medicalNote": "Knee replacement",
"singleSupplement": "true",
"singleSupplementStatus": "On Request",
"singleSupplementOriginalPrice": 640.0,
"singleSupplementGrossPrice": 576.0,
"singleSupplementNetPrice": 518.4,
"singleSupplementDiscountAmount": 150.0,
"singleSupplementFeeAmount": 350.55,
"payments": {
"href": "/customers/7458965/payments"
"depositAmount": 425.0,
"permitStatus": "Inca Trail On Request",
"id": 887124,
"href": "context/contextid/customers/887124",
"sequence": "202403312359580000"
"title": "Mr",
"firstName": "Homer",
"middleName": "Pete",
"surname": "Simpson",
"dateOfBirth": "1970-01-01",
"homePhone": "0115487956",
"mobilePhone": "0435485548",
"emailAddress": "",
"homeAddress": {
"addressLine1": "74 Brokesley Street",
"addressLine2": "Bournemouth",
"city": "Kingswood",
"state": "Vic",
"postcode": "3167",
"countryName": "Australia",
"countryCode": "AU"
"passport": {
"number": "N89171298",
"nationality": "US",
"placeOfIssue": "US",
"dateOfIssue": "2010-01-01",
"dateOfExpiry": "2020-01-01"
"travelInsurancePolicyNumber": "4552",
"travelInsuranceCompany": "Slexicover Direct",
"travelInsuranceCompanyPhone": "0435698542",
"status": "incomplete",
"restricted": "false",
"currency": "usd",
"originalPrice": 1500,
"grossPrice": 1145,
"promotionCode": "ABCD",
"promotionName": "Cool promotion",
"netPrice": 858.75,
"discountAmount": 200.0,
"feeAmount": 640.0,
"emergencyContact": {
"firstName": "Jess",
"surname": "Peter",
"homePhone": "0115487956",
"mobilePhone": "0435485548",
"relationship": "Mother"
"dietaryNote": "Allergic to seafood",
"medicalNote": "Knee replacement",
"singleSupplement": "true",
"singleSupplementStatus": "On Request",
"singleSupplementOriginalPrice": 640.0,
"singleSupplementGrossPrice": 576.0,
"singleSupplementNetPrice": 518.4,
"singleSupplementDiscountAmount": 150.0,
"singleSupplementFeeAmount": 350.55,
"payments": {
"href": "/customers/7458965/payments"
"depositAmount": 425.0,
"permitStatus": "Inca Trail On Request",
"id": 887124,
"href": "context/contextid/customers/887124",
"sequence": "202403312359580000"