Retrieve sightseeing on a Booking by sightseeing ID
GET /[context]/[contextId]/Sightseeing/[id]
Context in Request URI should be 'bookings'
ContextId in Request URI should be Booking ID
ID of the sightseeing
Name of sightseeing product
URI of sightseeing product
Start date for sightseeing
Start time for sightseeing in 24 hour format (if applicable)
Finish date for sightseeing
Starting point for sightseeing
Finishing point for sightseeing
City of sightseeing
Total gross price for all customers on sightseeing
Gross price minus any commission for the sightseeing
Number of days for sightseeing
URI used to retrieve all customers on sightseeing
Key/value pairs indicating the number of customers per status on the sightseeing; e.g.: { ''confirmed'': 2, ''cancelled'': 1 }
List of customer statuses along with url for each customer on that status
Is an urban adventure sightseeing component
ID of the resource
URI of the resource
Sequence of product
URI of the resource
URI of the resource
Customers status
Url of Customers in relevant status
"sightseeingName": "Single Session Kayak - Arctic",
"product": {
"href": "/products/91066"
"startDate": "2016-04-10",
"startTime": "19:30",
"finishDate": "2016-04-17",
"startingPoint": "Hotel Kyron, New Delhi",
"finishingPoint": "Hotel Kyron, New Delhi",
"city": "New Delhi",
"currency": "aud",
"totalPrice": 185.0,
"netPrice": 180.0,
"duration": "9",
"customers": {
"href": "/sightseeing/887124/customers"
"customerStatuses": {
"confirmed": 2,
"tentative": 1
"customerStatusIds": [
"status": "tentative",
"customers": [
"href": "/context/5057124/customers/4945398"
"href": "/context/5057124/customers/4945398"
"status": "tentative",
"customers": [
"href": "/context/5057124/customers/4945398"
"href": "/context/5057124/customers/4945398"
"isUrbanAdventure": false,
"id": 887124,
"href": "context/contextid/sightseeing/887124",
"sequence": "202403312359580000"