Retrieve trip by ID
GET /Trips/[id]
ID of the trip
URI of the trip product
URI of the trip departure
The Intrepid alphanumeric code for the trip
The Intrepid name for the trip
The Intrepid stye for the trip
The Intrepid themes for the trip
The Intrepid alphanumeric code for the departure
Start date of trip
End date of trip
Start location of trip
Start location address
End location of trip
Total gross single supplement price for the trip *If the customer has no single supplements this will not be present
Total gross price including discounts for all customers on trip (excluding any single supplements)
Gross price minus any commission for the trip
Total single supplement net-price for the customer on the trip *Valid only in the context of a Trip
URI used to retrieve all customers on trip
Key/value pairs indicating the number of customers per status on the trip; e.g.: { ''confirmed'': 2, ''cancelled'': 1 }
List of URI used to retrieve customer on trip
List of customer statuses along with url for each customer on that status
List of booked accommodation products related to this trip
List of booked transfer products related to this trip
List of booked sightseeing products related to this trip
List of booked flights products related to this trip
List of booked insurance products related to this trip
List of booked additionalServices products related to this trip
RRP Element Exclusion
Kitty Prices
Duration of the departure
Phone number of the start location
Start City
Start Country
End location address of trip
Phone number of the end location
End City
End Country
Trip departure status
Passport details are required at a time of booking • 1- Passport details not required • 2- Passport details required (not at booking) • 3- Passport details required (at booking)
Label related to the passport required type id.
Shared trip notes id if the trip share trip notes from another trip.
ID of the resource
URI of the resource
Sequence of product
URI of the resource
URI of the resource
URI of the resource
Kitty Prices
Name of the theme
URI of the resource
Customers status
Url of Customers in relevant status
URI of related product
Relationship to trip: • preTrip Product has been booked for before the trip (applicable for accommodation,transfer,sightseeing) • postTrip Product has been booked for after the trip (applicable for accommodation,transfer,sightseeing) • availableToPurchase Product is available to purchase (applicable for single supplement, additional service)
URI of related product
Relationship to trip: • preTrip Product has been booked for before the trip (applicable for accommodation,transfer,sightseeing) • postTrip Product has been booked for after the trip (applicable for accommodation,transfer,sightseeing) • availableToPurchase Product is available to purchase (applicable for single supplement, additional service)
URI of related product
Relationship to trip: • preTrip Product has been booked for before the trip (applicable for accommodation,transfer,sightseeing) • postTrip Product has been booked for after the trip (applicable for accommodation,transfer,sightseeing) • availableToPurchase Product is available to purchase (applicable for single supplement, additional service)
URI of related product
Relationship to trip: • preTrip Product has been booked for before the trip (applicable for accommodation,transfer,sightseeing) • postTrip Product has been booked for after the trip (applicable for accommodation,transfer,sightseeing) • availableToPurchase Product is available to purchase (applicable for single supplement, additional service)
URI of related product
Relationship to trip: • preTrip Product has been booked for before the trip (applicable for accommodation,transfer,sightseeing) • postTrip Product has been booked for after the trip (applicable for accommodation,transfer,sightseeing) • availableToPurchase Product is available to purchase (applicable for single supplement, additional service)
URI of related product
Relationship to trip: • preTrip Product has been booked for before the trip (applicable for accommodation,transfer,sightseeing) • postTrip Product has been booked for after the trip (applicable for accommodation,transfer,sightseeing) • availableToPurchase Product is available to purchase (applicable for single supplement, additional service)
Element Title
Exclusion Prices with multiple currencies
Currency Id
Currency Code
Currency Symbol
"product": {
"href": "/products/91066"
"departure": {
"href": "/departures/2044014"
"tripCode": "TTSN",
"tripName": "Beautiful Thailand",
"tripStyle": "Original",
"tripThemes": [
"name": "Explorer"
"name": "Explorer"
"departureCode": "TTSN180408",
"startDate": "1970-01-01",
"endDate": "1970-01-01",
"startLocation": "Royal Princess Larn Luang Hotel, Bangkok",
"address": "No 123 ABC Road",
"endLocation": "Royal Princess Larn Luang Hotel, Bangkok",
"currency": "usd",
"totalSingleSupplementPrice": 450.0,
"totalPrice": 2000,
"netPrice": 1858.75,
"singleSupplementNetPrice": 410.4,
"customers": {
"href": "/trips/887124/customers"
"customerStatuses": {
"confirmed": 2,
"tentative": 1
"singleSupplementCustomers": [
"href": "/trips/887124/customers/4945397"
"href": "/trips/887124/customers/4945397"
"customerStatusIds": [
"status": "tentative",
"customers": [
"href": "/context/5057124/customers/4945398"
"href": "/context/5057124/customers/4945398"
"status": "tentative",
"customers": [
"href": "/context/5057124/customers/4945398"
"href": "/context/5057124/customers/4945398"
"accommodation": [
"href": "/bookings/5057124/accommodation/4945400",
"relationship": "preTrip"
"href": "/bookings/5057124/accommodation/4945400",
"relationship": "preTrip"
"transfer": [
"href": "/bookings/5057124/transfers/4945402",
"relationship": "preTrip"
"href": "/bookings/5057124/transfers/4945402",
"relationship": "preTrip"
"sightseeing": [
"href": "/bookings/5057124/sightseeing/4945401",
"relationship": "preTrip"
"href": "/bookings/5057124/sightseeing/4945401",
"relationship": "preTrip"
"flights": [
"href": "/bookings/5057124/flights/4945404",
"relationship": "preTrip"
"href": "/bookings/5057124/flights/4945404",
"relationship": "preTrip"
"insurance": [
"href": "/bookings/5057124/insurance/4945405",
"relationship": "preTrip"
"href": "/bookings/5057124/insurance/4945405",
"relationship": "preTrip"
"additionalServices": [
"href": "/bookings/5057124/additonalservices/4945403",
"relationship": "preTrip"
"href": "/bookings/5057124/additonalservices/4945403",
"relationship": "preTrip"
"exclusions": [
"elementTitle": "ABC",
"prices": [
"currencyId": 3,
"currencyCode": "AUD",
"currencySymbol": "$",
"amount": 50.0
"currencyId": 3,
"currencyCode": "AUD",
"currencySymbol": "$",
"amount": 50.0
"elementTitle": "ABC",
"prices": [
"currencyId": 3,
"currencyCode": "AUD",
"currencySymbol": "$",
"amount": 50.0
"currencyId": 3,
"currencyCode": "AUD",
"currencySymbol": "$",
"amount": 50.0
"kitty": {
"prices": [
"currencyId": 3,
"currencyCode": "AUD",
"currencySymbol": "$",
"amount": 50.0
"currencyId": 3,
"currencyCode": "AUD",
"currencySymbol": "$",
"amount": 50.0
"numberOfDays": 5,
"startLocationPhone": "+14155552671",
"startCity": "Ho Chi Minh City",
"startCountry": "Vietnam",
"endLocationAddress": "No 123 ABC Road",
"endLocationPhone": "+14155552671",
"endCity": "Perth",
"endCountry": "Australia",
"departureStatus": "Active",
"passportRequiredTypeId": 1,
"passportRequiredType": "Passport details not required",
"sharedTripNotesId": 1,
"id": 887124,
"href": "trips/887124",
"sequence": "202403312359580000"