POST /[context]/[contextId]/Payment
Context in Request URI should be 'bookings' or 'customers'
ContextId in Request URI should be Booking ID or Customer ID
Billing House Number or Name. Mandatory for Adyen payments using 3DS2 only.
Billing Street. Mandatory for Adyen payments using 3DS2 only.
Billing City. Mandatory for Adyen payments using 3DS2.
Billing State or Province. Mandatory for Adyen payments using 3DS2 and address is in the US or Canada only.
Billing PostCode. Mandatory for Adyen payments using 3DS2 only.
Billing Country Code. Mandatory for Adyen payments using 3DS2.
A valid http or https return url. Mandatory for Adyen payments using 3DS only.
Origin host. Mandatory for Adyen payments using 3DS only.
paymentMethodDetails for Adyen payments.
browserInfo. Mandatory for Adyen payments using 3DS only.
shopperIP. Mandatory for Adyen payments using 3DS only.
Payment Method Id (Should be 32 for Adyen)
Amount (excluding donation amount)
Donation Amount
uniquePaymentMethodCode. As specified in the GET PaymentMethods response.
The accept header value of the shopper's browser.
The navigator.language value of the shopper's browser (as defined in IETF BCP 47).
The color depth of the shopper's browser in bits per pixel. This should be obtained by using the browser's screen.colorDepth property. Accepted values: 1, 4, 8, 15, 16, 24, 32 or 48 bit color depth.
Boolean value indicating if the shopper's browser is able to execute Java.
Boolean value indicating if the shopper's browser is able to execute JavaScript. A default 'true' value is assumed if the field is not present.
The total height of the shopper's device screen in pixels.
The total width of the shopper's device screen in pixels.
Time difference between UTC time and the shopper's browser local time, in minutes.
The user agent value of the shopper's browser.
"billingHouseNumberOrName": "12",
"billingStreet": "Templeton St",
"billingCity": "Melbourne",
"billingStateOrProvince": "CA",
"billingPostcode": "3000",
"billingCountryCode": "AU",
"returnURL": "",
"originHost": "",
"paymentMethodDetails": {
"uniquePaymentMethodCode": "scheme",
"encryptedCardNumber": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH...",
"encryptedExpiryMonth": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH...",
"encryptedExpiryYear": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH...",
"encryptedSecurityCode": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH...",
"cardHolderName": "Bart Simpson"
"browserInfo": {
"acceptHeader": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8",
"language": "en-EN",
"colorDepth": 24,
"javaEnabled": false,
"javaScriptEnabled": true,
"screenHeight": 768,
"screenWidth": 1080,
"timeZoneOffset": 660,
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0"
"shopperIP": "",
"paymentMethodId": 32,
"amount": 2500.0,
"donationAmount": 25.0,
"currencyCode": "USD"
Is Successful Payment
Amount Paid
Currency code
Transaction date
Error Code
Payment Id
Payment Process Audit Id
Action Required. Sent if payment is Adyen. "Redirect" if redirect is required, "None" if not.
Redirect Request. The object that is sent if "actionRequired" is "Redirect". Should be passed to the Adyen component as per their documentation.
Txn Id
Redirect Request data
"paymentReference": "4357886618",
"isSuccessfulPayment": true,
"amountPaid": 2500.0,
"currencyCode": "USD",
"transactionDate": "2019-01-29 21:50:15",
"errorCode": "22053",
"message": "Transaction accepted",
"paymentId": "1379227",
"paymentProcessAuditId": "369100",
"actionRequired": "Redirect",
"redirectRequest": {
"data": "[{ \"key\": \"MD\", \"value\": \"Ab02b4c0!BQABAgCW5sxB4e/==..\"}, { \"key\": \"PaReq\", \"value\": \"eNrNV0mTo7gS..\" }]"
"bookingId": "6174439"