Generate Link for Adyen Pay By Link Option
POST /[context]/[contextId]/PaymentByLink
Description. Required to display in the payment page
ShopperName. Required to display in the payment page
shopperEmail. Mandatory when payment is using 3DS2
expiresAt. The date that the payment link expires in local time.
Payment Method Id (Should be 32 for Adyen)
Amount (excluding donation amount)
Donation Amount
"description": "Payment for booking number 6533456",
"shopperName": "Sam Smith",
"shopperEmail": "",
"expiresAtUTC": "2019-11-23T12:25:28Z",
"paymentMethodId": 32,
"amount": 2500.0,
"donationAmount": 25.0,
"currencyCode": "USD"
Amount Payment Requested
Currency code
Link Expires Date in ISO 8601 format
"amount": 2500.0,
"currencyCode": "USD",
"paymentReference": "4357886618",
"paymentContextType": "Txn or TxnParticipant",
"link": "http://",
"expiresAtUTC": "2019-11-23T12:25:28Z"