Retrieve PaymentMethods by Booking ID
GET /[context]/[contextId]/PaymentMethods
Context in Request URI should be 'bookings'
ContextId in Request URI should be Booking ID
List of available payment methods
payment method identifier
payment method name
currency code
selling agent identifier
List of allowed payment cards
payment method is for online payments
payment method identifier
payment card name
unique payment method code
adyen payment card surcharge percentage
"methods": [
"id": "21",
"name": "Payment Gate",
"currencyCode": "AUD",
"sellingAgentId": 12345,
"paymentCards": [
"id": "21",
"name": "Visa",
"uniquePaymentMethodCode": "scheme",
"creditCardFeeSurcharge": "2.50"
"id": "21",
"name": "Visa",
"uniquePaymentMethodCode": "scheme",
"creditCardFeeSurcharge": "2.50"
"onlineFlag": null
"id": "21",
"name": "Payment Gate",
"currencyCode": "AUD",
"sellingAgentId": 12345,
"paymentCards": [
"id": "21",
"name": "Visa",
"uniquePaymentMethodCode": "scheme",
"creditCardFeeSurcharge": "2.50"
"id": "21",
"name": "Visa",
"uniquePaymentMethodCode": "scheme",
"creditCardFeeSurcharge": "2.50"
"onlineFlag": null