GET /[context]/[contextId]/Note/[id]
ContextId in Request URI should be Booking ID
Note id
Note id
Note text
Type of note
Pax name
• If it's a 'booking level' note then it will return booking Id • If it's a 'customer' level note then it will return participant id • If it's a 'component' level note then it will return component Id(Trip, Accommodation, Transfers etc.) * Only applicable for these two endpoints: • GET /[context]/[contextId]/[context1]/[context1Id]/Note/[id] • GET /[context]/[contextId]/Note
• An empty paxName and componentName will indicate a 'booking level' note • An empty componentName will indicate a 'customer' level note • All fields have values will indicate a 'component' level note * Only applicable for these two endpoints: • GET /[context]/[contextId]/[context1]/[context1Id]/Note/[id] • GET /[context]/[contextId]/Note
"noteId": 100,
"text": "test note",
"noteType": "Leader",
"paxName": "john doe",
"id": "id",
"type": "type"